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1/3 Gipsy, 1/3 Ainu (Japanese Indians), 1/3 the Angles (Germanic tribe)
Languages: English, Japanese and Russian
photographer; writer; ink wash, acrylic & oil painter; architect; contemporary dancer; sport's master in rhythmic gymnastic; swimmer & windsurfer (beginner)
1988, the 27th of September night - born in Königsberg (Kaliningrad)
1992 - 2002 - rhythmic gymnastics (prof.)
2002 - moved in St.-Petersburg
2005 - left school
2005 - 2011 - studied in the Baltic Institute of the Economic, Politic and Law
2005 - 2006 - lead vocal, lyrics writer in the music band
2006 - 2013 - assistant in the privat art studio (art, graphic, animation)
2008 - ... - photography
2011 - 2013 - Institute of Television and Design
2012 - ... - swimming, freediving and windsurfing

2013 - ... - wrighting a book and screenplays
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